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Change Chart Style in Excel | CustomGuide


Click on the arrow below the type icon to see the sub-types. Excel also includes an option to browse Recommended Charts, which shows you the chart types that best fit your data.

By default, the chart will appear directly on the spreadsheet where your data is; when the chart is selected, you will see additional ribbons. In Excel , you have Design and Format.

The 'Layout' options have been consolidated into the Design ribbon. With that being said, however, pie charts are best used for one single data set that's broken down into categories. If you want to compare multiple data sets, it's best to stick with bar or column charts. Moving on to line charts requires a new set of data. This is because line charts and other similar chart types tend to be time-dependent.

You're usually charting a data point as it changes over a given period of time, although not always. For a line chart, you only need an X and a Y value. In the example below, X will be time and Y will be population. You could just as easily chart other time-dependent variables, such as the productivity of your company Y as the number of bonuses paid goes up X. The census data set that we'll use in this example represents the change in population of the United States from through Highlighting the year and the total population columns and then clicking Insert from the menu above allows you to choose a line chart graph.

Selecting this option results in a line chart in your spreadsheet. Right-click on the chart and choose Select Data Source. Make sure that the Year is unselected. Now that it's not trying to use the Year column as Y, it'll use it as X and correctly label your horizontal axis.

At just a glance, you can see that the population of the US has been steadily increasing at a rate of about 0. Very interesting, and line charts are some of the best Excel graphs and charts to use when conveying a progression like this. Area charts are identical to line charts, but the area under the line is filled in. While the focus of the line chart is still changing in value over time, the purpose of an area chart is to highlight the magnitude of these changing values over time.

The difference is subtle, but when you need to express things like how many trees have been clear cut from to versus to , the area chart really is one of the best Excel chart types to use. With the population data above, you can compare things like male versus female population growth from through You could also represent the same data using a stacked area chart also available in the charts section under the Insert menu.

This chart can be thought of as a line graph and a pie chart combined into one. You can see the percentage breakdown of the categorized data as that data changes over time. Tip: To see all predefined chart styles, click More. Note: When the Excel window is reduced in size, chart styles will be available in the Chart Quick Styles gallery in the Chart Styles group.

Tip: Chart styles use the colors of the current document theme that is applied to the workbook. You can change the colors by switching to a different document theme. You can also customize a document theme to display a chart in the exact colors that you want. In the Labels group, click a layout option for the chart label that you want to change.

In the Axes group, click a layout option for the axis or gridlines that you want to change. In the Background group, click a layout option for the background that you want to change.

In the Analysis group, click a layout option for any lines or bars that you want to add or change. Note: The layout options that you select are applied to the element that you have selected. For example, if you have the whole chart selected, data labels will be applied to all data series. If you have a single data point selected, data labels will only be applied to the selected data series or data point.

On the Layout tab, you can also find options to add pictures, shapes, or text boxes Insert group , and you can change the name of your chart Properties group. Click the chart element that you want to change or do the following to select it from a list of chart elements:. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow in the Chart Elements box, and then click the chart element for which you want to change the formatting style.

In the Shape Styles group, click the More button , and then select a style. Since the data shows sales amount against different years column chart will be more suitable. Step 2: A column chart is also known as a bar chart. Insert a bar chart from the list. Step 3: Select a style from 2D charts.

Now the chart will be inserted into the spreadsheet. We have different options to change the color and texture of the inserted bars. This will provide a sidebar next to the chart with different options to fill the bars will different colors, change the background texture, etc. Step 5 : It is available with some built-in theme or style that you can adopt for the inserted chart. Select the inserted chart, and you will get the design menu in the menu bar. Step 6: Click on the design menu it will provide a list of chart styles.

The different chart styles available are:. The bars are filled with different colors. From the normal bar chart size of the bars are increased into its double size. The grid lines will be decreased in width, and the data labels are shown in a vertical way. Instead of plane colors, shaded columns will appear. The columns are shaded with small lines, and the width of the bars is increased.


Microsoft Office XP - Wikipedia.8 Types of Excel Charts and Graphs and When to Use Them


This topic gives you step-by-step instructions and best practices for making your PowerPoint presentations accessible and unlock your content to everyone, including people with disabilities. PowerPoint has many features built-in that help people with different abilities to read and author documents.

In this topic, you learn, for example, how to work with the Accessibility Checker to tackle accessibility issues while you're creating your presentation. You'll also learn how to add alt texts to images so that people using screen readers are able to listen to what the image is all about.

You can also read about how to use slide design, fonts, colors, and styles to maximize the inclusiveness of your slides before you share or present them to your audience. Best practices for making PowerPoint presentations accessible. Check accessibility while you work. Create accessible slides.

Avoid using tables. Add alt text to visuals. Create accessible hyperlink text and add ScreenTips. Use accessible font format and color. Use captions, subtitles, and alternative audio tracks in videos. Save your presentation in a different format. Test accessibility with a screen reader. The following table includes key best practices for creating PowerPoint presentations that are accessible to people with disabilities.

To find missing alternative text, use the Accessibility Checker. Use the Accessibility Checker to find slides that have possible problems with reading order. A screen reader reads the elements of a slide in the order they were added to the slide, which might be very different from the order in which things appear. Set the reading order of slide contents. Use built-in slide designs for inclusive reading order, colors, and more. To determine whether hyperlink text makes sense as standalone information, visually scan the slides in your presentation.

Tip: You can also add ScreenTips that appear when your cursor hovers over text or images that include a hyperlink. Turn on the Color filter switch, and then select Grayscale. Visually scan each slide in your presentation for instances of color-coding. People who are blind, have low vision, or are colorblind might miss out on the meaning conveyed by particular colors. Use an accessible presentation template. To find insufficient color contrast, use the Accessibility Checker. Strong contrast between text and background makes it easier for people with low vision or colorblindness to see and use the content.

Use accessible font color. To find slides that do not have titles, use the Accessibility Checker. People who are blind, have low vision, or a reading disability rely on slide titles to navigate. For example, by skimming or using a screen reader, they can quickly scan through a list of slide titles and go right to the slide they want. Give every slide a title.

Hide a slide title. If you must use tables, create a simple table structure for data only, and specify column header information. To ensure that tables don't contain split cells, merged cells, or nested tables, use the Accessibility Checker. Use table headers. To find potential issues related to fonts or white space, review your slides for areas that look crowded or illegible.

Make videos accessible to people who are blind or have low vision or people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Subtitles typically contain a transcription or translation of the dialogue. Closed captions typically also describe audio cues such as music or sound effects that occur off-screen. Video description means audio-narrated descriptions of a video's key visual elements.

These descriptions are inserted into natural pauses in the program's dialogue. Video description makes video more accessible to people who are blind or have low vision. Include accessibility tags to PDF files you create from your presentation. The tags make it possible for screen readers and other assistive technologies to read and navigate a document.

Top of Page. The Accessibility Checker is a tool that reviews your content and flags accessibility issues it comes across. It explains why each issue might be a potential problem for someone with a disability. The Accessibility Checker also suggests how you can resolve the issues that appear. In PowerPoint, the Accessibility Checker runs automatically in the background when you're creating a document. If the Accessibility Checker detects accessibility issues, you will get a reminder in the status bar.

The Accessibility pane opens, and you can now review and fix accessibility issues. For more info, go to Improve accessibility with the Accessibility Checker. Tip: Use the Accessibility Reminder add-in for Office to notify authors and contributors of accessibility issues in their documents. With the add-in, you can quickly add reminder comments that spread awareness of accessibility issues and encourage the use of the Accessibility Checker. For more info, go to Use the Accessibility Reminder to notify authors of accessibility issues.

The following procedures describe how to make the slides in your PowerPoint presentations accessible. For more info, go to Video: Create accessible slides and Video: Design slides for people with dyslexia. Use one of the accessible PowerPoint templates to make sure that your slide design, colors, contrast, and fonts are accessible for all audiences.

They are also designed so that screen readers can more easily read the slide content. In the Search for Online templates and themes text field, type accessible templates and press Enter. One simple step towards inclusivity is having a unique, descriptive title on each slide, even if it isn't visible.

A person with a visual disability that uses a screen reader relies on the slide titles to know which slide is which. Use the Accessibility ribbon to make sure every slide has a title. For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the "Use the Accessibility ribbon to title a slide" section. You can position a title off the slide. That way, the slide has a title for accessibility, but you save space on the slide for other content.

For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the "Put a title on a slide, but make the title invisible" section. If you want all or many of your slide titles to be hidden, you can modify the slide master. For instructions, go to Title a slide and expand the "Systematically hide slide titles" section. If you've moved or edited a placeholder on a slide, you can reset the slide to its original design.

All formatting for example, fonts, colors, effects go back to what has been assigned in the template. Restoring the design might also help you find title placeholders which need a unique title.

To restore all placeholders for the selected slide, on the Home tab, in the Slides group, select Reset. Some people with visual disabilities use a screen reader to read the information on the slide. When you create slides, putting the objects in a logical reading order is crucial for screen reader users to understand the slide. Use the Accessibility Checker and the Reading Order pane to set the order in which the screen readers read the slide contents.

When the screen reader reads the slide, it reads the objects in the order they are listed in the Reading Order pane. For the step-by-step instructions how to set the reading order, go to Make slides easier to read by using the Reading Order pane.

PowerPoint has built-in, predesigned slide designs that contain placeholders for text, videos, pictures, and more. They also contain all the formatting, such as theme colors, fonts, and effects. To make sure that your slides are accessible, the built-in layouts are designed so that the reading order is the same for people who use assistive technologies such as screen readers and people who see. For more info, go to Video: Use accessible colors and styles in slides.

Expand the Themes gallery and select the slide layout that you want. PowerPoint automatically applies this layout to the presentation. In general, avoid tables if possible and present the data another way, like paragraphs with headings. Tables with fixed width might prove difficult to read for people who use Magnifier, because such tables force the content to a specific size.

This makes the font very small, which forces Magnifier users to scroll horizontally, especially on mobile devices. If you have to use tables, use the following guidelines to make sure your table is as accessible as possible:.

If you have hyperlinks in your table, edit the link texts, so they make sense and don't break mid-sentence. Make sure the slide content is easily read with Magnifier. Screen readers keep track of their location in a table by counting table cells. Blank cells in a table could also mislead someone using a screen reader into thinking that there is nothing more in the table. Use a simple table structure for data only and specify column header information. Screen readers also use header information to identify rows and columns.

Visual content includes pictures, SmartArt graphics, shapes, groups, charts, embedded objects, ink, and videos. In alt text, briefly describe the image, its intent, and what is important about the image.



- Microsoft excel 2013 change chart style to style 8 free


After you have installed a new version of Excel, you may want to know how you can continue to work with workbooks that are created in an earlier version of Excel, how you can keep these workbooks accessible for users who do not have the current version of Excel installed, and how the differences between the versions affect the way that you work.

For backward compatibility with earlier versions of Excel, such as Excel , you can use one of two ways to exchange workbooks between the different versions.

Work in Compatibility Mode You can open a workbook that was created in an earlier version of Excel and work in Compatibility Mode so that the workbook remains in a file format that can easily be opened again in the earlier version.

Compatibility mode is not available for Excel workbooks. Check a workbook for compatibility If you want to work in the current file format but have to share a workbook with people who use earlier versions of Excel, you can check that the data is compatible with earlier versions of Excel. You can then make the necessary changes to avoid the loss of data or fidelity that might occur when that workbook is opened in an earlier version of Excel. In Excel and later, when you open a workbook that was created in Excel , it is automatically opened in Compatibility Mode, and you see Compatibility Mode in square brackets next to the file name in the Excel title bar.

In Compatibility Mode, any new or enhanced Excel features are not available, which prevents loss of data and fidelity when the workbook is opened in an earlier version of Excel.

Also, instead of using a current file format. Unlike other Office programs, such as Word, you cannot manually turn on Compatibility Mode in Excel, and you do not have the option to include any new features when you work in a workbook in Compatibility Mode. If you no longer want to work in Compatibility Mode, you can convert the workbook to the current file format.

For information, see Convert a workbook to a new file format. Not all new features are supported in earlier versions of Excel. When you work in Compatibility Mode or want to save aworkbook to the Excel To avoid the loss of data or functionality in an earlier version of Excel, you can then make the necessary changes to your current workbook.

When you save a workbook to an Excel file format, the Compatibility Checker runs automatically. However, to verify that a workbook is compatible with your current version of Excel, you must run the Compatibility Checker manually the first time you save the workbook.

You can then specify that the Compatibility Checker runs automatically every time that you save that workbook. For information about how to run the Compatibility Checker, see Check an Excel workbook for compatibility with earlier versions of Excel.

The Compatibility Checker lists the compatibility issues it finds, and provides a Find and Help button for many issues. You can then locate all occurrences of the issue, and get information about ways to resolve the issue. When run automatically, the Compatibility Checker also specifies the version of Excel in which a potential compatibility issue occurs. Unsupported worksheet features can cause the following compatibility issues, leading to a significant loss of functionality or a minor loss of fidelity.

This workbook has label information that will be lost or not visible if the file is saved as an earlier Excel format. What it means If you save this workbook in. If you save it in. What to do To preserve the labels, avoid saving the workbook in. This workbook contains data in cells outside of the row and column limit of the selected file format. Data beyond 65, rows tall by IV columns wide will not be saved. Formula references to data in this region will return a REF!

What it means Beginning with Excel , the worksheet size is 1,, rows tall by16, columns wide, but Excel is only 65, rows tall by columns wide. Data in cells outside of this column and row limit is lost in Excel What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the cells and ranges that fall outside the row and column limits, select those rows and columns, and then place them inside the column and row limits of the worksheet or on another worksheet by using the Cut and Paste commands.

This workbook contains Scenarios with references to cells outside of the row and column limits of the selected file format. These Scenarios will not be saved in the selected file format. What it means A scenario in the worksheet refers to a cell outside the column and row limit of Excel 65, rows by columns , and is no longer available when you continue saving the workbook to file format of the earlier version of Excel.

What to do In the Scenario Manager, look for the scenario that contains a reference that falls outside the row and column limit of the earlier version of Excel, and then change the reference to a location within that limit.

In the Scenarios box, locate the scenario that causes the compatibility issue, and then edit its reference. This workbook contains dates in a calendar format that is not supported by the selected file format. These dates will be displayed as Gregorian dates. However, these calendar formats are not supported in Excel What to do To avoid loss of functionality, you should change the calendar format to a language or locale that is supported in Excel These dates must be edited by using the Gregorian calendar.

In Excel , these calendar types can only be edited in Gregorian. This workbook contains more cells with data than are supported in earlier versions of Excel. Earlier versions of Excel will not be able to open this workbook. What it means Beginning with Excel , the total number of available cell blocks CLBs is limited by available memory.

A CLB includes 16 worksheet rows. If all rows in a worksheet contain data, you would have CLBs in that worksheet, and you could have only 16 such worksheets in a single instance of Excel regardless of how many workbooks you have open in Excel. What to do To make sure that the workbook does not exceed the 64, CLB limit and that it can be opened in Excel , you should work in Compatibility Mode after you save the workbook to Excel file format.

What it means In Excel , sparklines that show trends in a series of values are not displayed on the worksheet. However, all sparklines remain available in the workbook and are applied when the workbook is opened again in Excel or later. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate cells that contain sparklines, and then make the necessary changes.

For example, you could apply conditional formatting instead of or in addition to the sparklines that won't be displayed in the earlier version of Excel. Earlier versions of Excel do not support color formatting in header and footer text.

The color formatting information will be displayed as plain text in earlier versions of Excel. What it means Beginning with Excel , you can apply color formatting to header and footer text.

You cannot use color formatting in headers and footers in Excel What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Fix if you want to remove the color formatting. This workbook contains worksheets that have even page or first page headers and footers. These page headers and footers cannot be displayed in earlier versions of Excel. What it means Beginning with Excel , you have the option to display different header and footer text on even pages or on the first page.

In Excel , even page or first page headers and footers cannot be displayed, but they remain available for display when you open the workbook in Excel and later again. What to do If you frequently save a workbook to Excel file format, it is best not to specify even or first page headers or footers for that workbook. Some cells or styles in this workbook contain formatting that is not supported by the selected file format. These formats will be converted to the closest format available. What it means Beginning with Excel , different cell formatting or cell style options, such as special effects and shadows, are available.

These options are not available in Excel What to do When you continue saving the workbook, Excel applies the closest available format, which can be identical to another format you applied to something else. To avoid duplication of formats, you can change or remove the cell formatting and cell styles that are not supported before you save the workbook to Excel file format. This workbook contains more unique cell formats than are supported by the selected file format.

Some cell formats will not be saved. What it means Beginning with Excel , you can use 64, unique cell formats, but in Excel , you can only use up to 4, unique cell formats.

Unique cell formats include any specific combination of formatting that is applied in a workbook. What to do To avoid losing specific cell formats that you want to keep available in Excel , you can remove some cell formats that are not as important to keep. This workbook contains more unique font formats than are supported in the selected file format. Some font formats will not be saved. What it means Beginning with Excel , 1, global font types are available, and you can use up to of them per workbook.

Excel supports less unique font formats. What to do To avoid losing specific font formats that you want to keep available in Excel , you can remove some font formats that are not as important to keep. For more information about how to resolve one or more of these compatibility issues, see the following articles:.

Move or copy cells and cell contents. Headers and footers in worksheets. Unsupported Excel table features can cause the following compatibility issues, leading to a minor loss of fidelity. The table contains a custom formula or text in the total row. In earlier versions of Excel, the data is displayed without a table. What it means Although the formulas and text remain intact in Excel , the range will no longer be in table format.

What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that contains a custom formula or text, remove that formula or text from the total row, and then use only formulas that are available in the total row. A table in this workbook does not display a header row. What it means In Excel , a table cannot be displayed without a header row. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that is displayed without a header row, and then display a header row.

A table style is applied to a table in this workbook. Table style formatting cannot be displayed in earlier versions of Excel. What it means In Excel , theme-based table styles are not available and cannot be displayed. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that has a table style applied, remove that table style, and then format the table manually.

A table in this workbook is connected to an external data source. Table functionality will be lost, but the data remains connected.

If table rows are hidden by a filter, they remain hidden in an earlier version of Excel. What it means Table functionality is lost in Excel


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